Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH - Votre grossiste en technologie événementielle. Vente aux clients professionnels uniquement. Tous les prix s'entendent hors TVA


Buisson de lavande, version haute
EUROPALMS Pied de lavande, artificiel, 61 cm

61 cm

Buisson de lavande, version haute

EUROPALMS Pied de lavande, artificiel, 61 cm

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Prix de catalogue hors TVA 19%
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No. 82600231
The beautiful lavender plant, whose origin lies in the Mediterranean region, has won a permanent place in our gardens nowadays. Enchant your guests and visitors with the help of the artificial lavender also in your premises with southern flair by breathing a touch of Provence into your table and room decorations:

The lavender bush from Europalms reaches a stately overall size of about 61 cm and is therefore not to be overlooked. Its upright shoots with purple flowers and its needle-shaped leaves are made entirely of PE. Especially in a bunch, it can be arranged in many ways in vases or as an eye-catcher in the center of the table.
Compared to its natural model, the artificial lavender bush from Europalms has a great advantage: it cannot wilt and its flowers do not stain. A practical insertion rod made of PE also allows for quick and uncomplicated decorating.

Buisson de lavande, version haute

  • À feuilles réalistes vertcoloré
  • Fleurs élégantes env. 13 violetcoloré
Données techniques
Matériau:Polyéthylène PE
Fleurs:Nombre : env. 13 Pièce
Couleur : violet
Matériau : polyéthylène PE
Style de déco:Touche méditerranéenne
Dimension:Longueur : 61 cm
Poids:0,13 kg
Unités de conditionnement
140263975389460,13 kg61cm x 14cm x 14cm
1240263975389531,75 kg62,5cm x 18,5cm x 11cm
144402639753896022,40 kg65cm x 63cm x 39cm
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Informations du fabricant
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH
Andreas-Bauer-Str. 5
D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn

+49 931 4061 600
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