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Effetto nebbia molto breve con la massima densità
EUROLITE SMOKE FLUID -DSA- Effetto, 25l Fluido per nebbia


Effetto nebbia molto breve con la massima densità

EUROLITE SMOKE FLUID -DSA- Effetto, 25l Fluido per nebbia

La giacenza è di circa 12 sett.
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Prezzo di listino più 19% IVA
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Prezzo base per Liter: 6,36€ più IVA
No. 5170435C
Eurolite smoke fluid - Made in Germany
Trust is good, control is of course better - therefore we test our smoke fluids according to valid norms to meet the legal requirements, for example the REACH act. There have to be reasons why a product has enjoyed public confidence for more than two decades. There have to be reasons why in 20 years we have sold more than a million units of smoke fluid.
Quality and reliability are the decisive components for success. Our customers know they get an absolute high class product with Euro­lite fluids. To be high class, a product has to do more than just function - it must guarantee not to be harmful to health. This may sound a bit too dramatic, but the truth is: unclean liquids can gravely affect the respiratory system. Moreover, easily inflammable liquids can cause serious damages. Many providers do not care about these dangers.
At Steinigke however, we test our fluids stringently. And in addition, we let independent bodies continuously check the liquids.
Therefore we can guarantee that our fluids are
-not harmful to health
-readily biodegradable
Everyone using our smoke fluids places his trust in us. We pay it back with rigid controls of these liquids and both sides win.

Smoke that quickly vanishes into thin air!
Using fog on stages, in studios or on exhibitions, surely creates great effects. It may yet happen, that the smoke will not disintegrate but last and thus becomes annoying in the end. At this point it is the new DSA-fluid that is brought to the scene. In contrast to the common standard, the fog is very short-lived and by that can be used more precisely and trenchantly. A perfect alternative to the persistant wafts of mist. Sometimes less is more!

Effetto nebbia molto breve con la massima densità

  • Inodore
  • Composizione priva di glicerina
  • Sicuro dal punto di vista ambientale
  • Non nocivo per la salute
  • Ben biodegradabile secondo OECD 301E/EEC 84/449 C3
  • Non infiammabile, nessuna restrizione di trasporto, merce non pericolosa
  • Soggetto a monitoraggio costante
  • Comprovata qualità
  • Made in Germany
  • Per campi di applicazione come, ad esempio,: Video e fotografia; Teatro; Presentazioni e conferenze sui prodotti
  • Fluido per nebbia a base d'acqua Pronto all'uso
Dati tecnici
Contenuto confezione:25 l
Tipo di fluido:Fluido per nebbia a base d'acqua Pronto all'uso
Peso:26,50 kg
Unità di imballaggio
QPC EANPeso Dimensioni
1402639740367127,00 kg29cm x 25cm x 46cm
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Informazioni sul produttore
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH
Andreas-Bauer-Str. 5
D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn

+49 931 4061 600
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